
We’re here for the style seekers and the game changers, fusing fashion with function to create a better tomorrow!

Neon Kactus are committed to reducing the use of none reusable products, plastic and all other unsustainable materials in order to protect our planet.

Come join us!


We know that being eco-friendly is important to you, but it isn’t always easy or convenient.

Neon Kactus reusable products are an eco- friendly alternative, made from high quality materials that can help you reduce your reliance on single use plastic.

Together we can protect our planet one reusable at a time!


The stylish design of our reusable products means that whether your at work, on the go or in your favourite coffee shop, you will never want to be without your Neon Kactus.

Choose one of our fun and vibrant colours that suits your style.


Our reusable products are designed to fit perfectly into your on the go lifestyle. Designed and engineered from the highest quality materials that are made to last.

Neon Kactus products look good and do good!

Create A Better Tomorrow

Every Neon Kactus reusable saves 750 disposables from landfill


So far,



people have made the switch to a Neon Kactus reusable,

saving 9107.1m disposables from landfill


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